Several of my posts have talked about moving forward and stepping things up and honestly, this will be no different. Leveling up either in life or in a game is always a good thing. That being said, my last few months have been interesting in the good old journey called life. On the flip side, I've also been driving myself insane due to lack of time and my only escapes have been some personal escapes, self-dates, or an occasional outing with a friends.
My past few months as a gamer has been mostly me trying to convince myself I am still a gamer. I'm around it constantly as my room is filled with gaming stuff, I run a gaming community, and make content for it on the Video Gaming Hard Corps YouTube page, among several other things, but my time to really play games for myself is quite limited. It will actually become even less and it actually makes me wonder why I even pre-ordered a PlayStation 4.
My past few gaming purchases have been mostly games for my collection. Games that I can justify owning that I will probably never get to. Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection and Retro City Rampage are two games that fit that category. I've also been getting merchandise, such as a BioShock Infinite necklace, a DmC/Combichrist T-shirt and Mega Man 25th Anniversary statue. I have nice things but are these really nice things if I'm standing still IRL? Not really.
The thing is this, I'll never not be a gamer. Gaming is always around me in one way or another. I just can't embrace it quite the way I used to in the past. It will always be a part of me and I am not ashamed of it, but I can't be hard on myself when I don't really have the time to buckle down with a game anymore. Sometimes it's depressing but it is all for the greater good. Which got me doing some serious thinking...
Throughout my life, outside of some bigger achievements as a child (honor roll, TaeKwonDo trophies, ect.) I really can't say that I feel like I've made some huge accomplishment. Starting last November, I've been changing that in every aspect of my personal life. Gaming, DDR (also gaming but with exercise), working, and life accomplishments. I've done quite a bit in these last few months and have two big things that I really did not want to cut down on. Video Gaming Hard Corps and the MachinaeTribe.
The MachinaeTribe is a dedicated Facebook group that celebrates the love and passion for my favorite band, Machinae Supremacy. I came up with a weekly tradition which made me admin in the group upon mentioning it. Every Monday, I host a lobby where people chat and enjoy music from the band. Members of the band even show up at times, which is absolutely amazing. Last week, knowing I'd likely miss a week, I picked out a second co-host for the lobbies. I have co-hosts because due to the difference in time zones, my co-hosts (Tanno and Vickyy) can get in the lobby before me and start the show earlier than I would be able to due to work. I felt bad not being there and the good news is, I shall be working my schedule to where this likely will not happen again. I can still show up at normal time, even with the new arrangements. MachinaeMondays, the tradition I came up with, takes place once a week and is way too cool of a tradition to just suddenly kill off out of nowhere. The crowds are amazing and allow me to socialize with several people online from across the world. I've decided I can still make this work. The next part is where things get ugly for me inside my head.
Video Gaming Hard Corps is a idea I've put my heart into since around April of 2011. It started as a small dedicated Facebook community, that then became a website which is currently on version 3.0, touched upon eSports by running two successful tournaments, and has several different outlets via TwitchTV, YouTube, Twitter, and Raptr. Its been one heck of a journey. Several hands have been in the efforts that are VGHC over time but the one place where I almost always had no help is the YouTube section. Over 200 videos in, and lots of interactions and experiences in between, I've had to make a decision.
Let's get this out of the way. I'm not ditching Video Gaming Hard Corps, not by a longshot. What I must do however is focus on my life as I am not where I feel I should be for my age. I've let quite a bit hold me back and I won't get into details but I've recently become quite tired of where I stand. Throughout any job I've had, I've never felt two different things; the feeling of being appreciated or the opportunity to turn said job into a career. Over the past two months, I've had both. My job at Inbound Call Experts has changed my life completely.
I've been putting so much time into work that I have had less time to do quite a bit and I'm going to go in even further. Why? My manager wants to see me succeed. I took his advice already and am about 12th place in the entire company for this month. Not bad for someone who has never done sales in his life. I avoided it for quite some time too. Never did I think I'd be at the point I am right now.
Starting this Thursday, I take my manager's advice again and go all in. I will be working close to 60 hour weeks. This leaves little time for much. Here's what I plan on doing:
Sunday: 7am-7pm or 9pm
Monday: 7am-3pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 7am-7pm or 9pm
Friday: Day Off or some more Overtime Hours than I have already
Saturday: Day Off
I'm still trying to work this all out in my head as I've never worked this much before in any job. On the flip side, I've never had the opportunity to quite frankly be able to work pretty much as much as I want and reap some pretty nice rewards from it in the form of what makes the world go round. Money. To do things I want to to do and accomplish goals I have set for myself, I seek quite a bit of money I don't have. This plan shall speed up the process.
I will have Mondays for streams and MachinaeMondays and Fridays for other possible streams, time to work on content, or The Gamer Lobby (VGHC's Bi-Weekly podcast). Sunday nights are still open for InRetroSpection and there is enough content going to YouTube where I don't have to make new content for there to be new videos. This does kind cut my social life but I've basically already gotten used to not having much of that and the bit of it I do have, I make sure it counts. With less time, I will be doing that even more.
To help me manage the VGHC YouTube account, I've selected Joshua Caleb, the host of the InRetroSpection podcast. We have been working together for some time and given that we have similar ideas in regards to videos and such, it was a perfect fit for someone to help with the channel. Given that lots of my personal info is also involved with the VGHC account, it had to be someone I trusted which is something that is quite difficult for me. I find myself better with this as I also have been able to evaluate who I can trust and when. I know what to realistically expect from people I know.
My interactions in Video Gaming Hard Corps isn't much different from interactions in real life. I appreciate all who are involved, but know realistically my most consistent people are Tom Hall and Joshua Caleb. Tom also being a busy guy and not doing videos like Josh and I do, the pick was pretty simple. I won't get into IRL friend selection as this is NOT what this post is for at all. It's a similar process though because as anyone continues on in life, they realize that some people cannot be counted on, simply have other priorities, or their own life to attend to. It's seldom you find someone who meets enough of the same visions as you but when this happens, it's amazing.
Because I really don't want to ramble on too much about all this, I shall put things to a close here. I want to thank everyone, truly, for being around if you have been. This is regards to VGHC, the MachinaeTribe or in real life. For anything I have done, support is always appreciated. While one should be able to carry on solo, it's always nice to have some form of support or someone you can vent to from time to time. To all of you out there, thank you.
In time, things such as my crappy upload speed (just to name one thing) will no longer be an issue, as well as many other things that will be sorted out in pretty much all aspects of my personal life. I'm reaching for the sky and preparing for the future. I've never really thought this far and even considered anything like I have been lately, but I'm ready to take chances and truly embrace wherever this new path takes me.
If you took the time to read this, you cared enough to find out what is going on with me lately, so another thanks to you all who read this as well. Everyone has a point in life where you rise to the occasion or you end up stuck thinking about "what if?" for the rest of your life. I'm choosing the former. I'll have less time for sure but I'm far from gone. KidMachinate still has plenty of adventures coming in the near future and some of these will be the best yet. Maybe one of which will be a personal gaming cave I can completely call my own. I can dream, right?
- Victor Max Vellon