Monday, September 9, 2013

Winning = > 1:40

He's...gonna knock me out...again...
I've had a personal struggle for quite some time. It's always been there and hinted in a good portion of posts I make on here. There are many things I do where I feel like I get so far just to get knocked out. To help explain both the title of this post and my feelings towards many things I do, I shall reference 'Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!!'.

When you get in the ring with "Iron Mike", if he lands a hit on you, you're done. Get knocked down three times and it's "Game Over". That's it. The first minute and forty seconds (as far as the game is concerned anyway) is this and nothing but this. Mike will keep going at you, and with different timing each punch to throw you off. It may seem like the timing stays the same but once you get used to it, you dodge to early and end up down on the ground. Your odds are very slim for this first bit of the fight. Afterwards, it is difficult still, but the odds are much better for you.

Better luck next time...

Many things don't get past the 1:40 mark for me. Some of which I am ashamed of. At twenty-six years of age, I should have more accomplished than I do. I feel more accomplished than ever since last November, but it's not enough. I'm a thrill seeker. Onto the next best thing. The next six months have a rough, yet solid plan to truly take the next step. It's time to stop downing myself and getting knocked down by Mike.

Things will be hard but much more possible once past that time. You never know what happens until you try, right? Well, in the case of 'Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!' I've beaten him a whopping one time in my entire life. Doing is at all is a accomplishment, but it's only been done once. Unless you get in the ring, you have no chance at all. At this point in time, I'm pushing things past the 1:40 mark and trying to give myself reasons to stay in the ring and tell myself "everything is gonna be okay". Funny how I would be the one saying this at times to others, usually the people closer to me. Maybe I should take my own advice...

I've been held back and it's for all the wrong reasons. I test myself in games, why not in life too? I've been trying it at my latest job to much success. I've gotten on the road recently and NOT killed anyone. I have people walking up to me at work that I don't even know asking me for advice. My favorite band legitimately knows who I am to the point where I have two of the members on my professional network. So perhaps I do know how to start things. Starting something is the hardest part. Getting past that 1:40 mark. The problem is afterward. Keeping the drive to stay in the ring. Some make up for this with somebody or something. Or both. There was a time where I relied on both or one to keep things going. That in itself is a problem. You've gotta do things for you. Because you want to.

Going back to the game, I WANT to beat Tyson again. I go back and try like thirty times and then shut the game off defeated. There's always a obstacle somewhere. Something that stops you from being the very best, like no one ever was. I'm confident now more than ever, but I have this problem when it comes to going full circle on something (closing a sale, for example) or pulling the trigger on something that needs to be done. I can lead but when put on the spot, I freeze up and forget everything.

I can do this...right?

There's an extra push I need to acquire. The same extra push that makes me go for Legendary difficulty in Halo games the very first time playing them. The same push that made me beat Duck Tales: Remastered on Expert on my first try. The same push that landed me first and second place on the sales team I am on over the course of the last two months. I need to apply this to everything and then perhaps the missing pieces will come together. Part of it too is having so many things I want to accomplish at one time. It's possible, sure. Focus on one thing at a time though in a timely matter is the best way. There has to be a reason though. A focus that you make for yourself. Kind of like Final Fantasy XIII, where every character has a "focus". Hopefully though, your focus is less linear, and more exciting than the game I'm referencing.

You Only Live Once. Better make it count. Forget the what ifs and just do it. Tyson knocks you down? Get up. You have two more shots. In life you only get one. The pressure is on but you can't screw up due to only having one life. One thing you never get back is time. You can go buy a Delorian with your hard earned money, but you'll never be able to generate the 1.21 gigawatts to make it happen. No multiple lighthouses. So many thoughts, so little time. Sorting it all out is the hard part. It's the organization of it all. Putting it all together. This post will be made and a part of me will die soon after. The part that still tells myself no.

No does not compute. Success shall continue. Six months. Then and only then will I truly level up. Again.

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