Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Eject Button

As a person who is always thinking about the next best thing, I find it hard to be satisfied in many different situations. Any victory achieved is short lived and I'm onto the next goal or accomplishment. It's hard for me to focus on anything for an extended period of time. As if I look for openings to quit whatever it is I want a release from.

When I dedicate myself to something, you know I take whatever it is, whether it is a game, friend, job, or anything else seriously. It's rare. I always seek a new adventure or thrill. Being dedicated to something is nice, but it becomes routine. If you are passionate about it, the routine part doesn't matter so much. Make sense so far? I hope so...

Being dedicated makes it easy for me to basically want to eject myself from whatever situation it is. It got dull, not worth my time, you name it. Dedication only gets you so far because eventually reality kicks in and you wonder, do I really want to keep doing this? This happened to me with Gears of War 3. As more and more time passed, I cared less for the game. To top it off, the experience I had with friends was never as good as 2; even though it was a inferior game. I slowly found myself fading away from Gears. Judgment came around and I barely know anything about it.

When you are passionate, even if reality kicks in, the reality is that you love what you do. Who cares if it's the same routine? Loving what you do makes you forget these things. So why not love everything? That would be pretty much impossible and way too big of a commitment for anyone. Showing that much care for so many things. It's why people need to find a niche did themselves and stick with it.

One person cannot do it all. You would like to think you can but it simply doesn't work that way. I can play all the single player games I want. Eventually, the urge to play with others will kick in again. Not that you ever have to play games with others if you don't want to, but there are some that perhaps will be easier with others. Why put that extra pressure on yourself?

I've been known to start games and not finish them. Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (yes, I haven't played this game, sue me), Pokemon Black 2, and likely other games I am forgetting about. Not because I don't want to but other interests kick in and then I just never go back. I think about it but in the end, never follow through. Every now and then, after huge break, I will go back and finish a game that fits in this category. Either that or I go back, realize I remember nothing about the story, and then quit at that point.

Is this even still making sense? Maybe not. Sounds like I'll be doing on this post what I find myself doing in general if something doesn't peak my interest anymore. Hitting the eject button.

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