Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cheating At Life?

It's not cheating! It's in the game! The game of life that is. I feel like I have a unfair advantage lately in many things I do now because of the latest job I have in sales. In doing this job, I have had to become more familiar with people in general and basically having to an extent judge the customer and do what I think is best to hopefully get the sale. Some people need an extra push to make a decision. Some people will flat out lie to you about not having money. The idea is to be good at seeking these things out and capitalizing on them.

I was recently in a situation, IRL, where I was browsing around for something. I won't say what, but when you go shopping in lots of places, you find someone willing to help you. Depending on where you go, it's not just about that help, but they want to try and make a sale. One thing you do to make this process go smooth, or at least you hope it goes smooth, is to assume the sale. You will be doing this. You need that. Being on the opposite side was interesting. I never realized how much this has been done to me in the past truly until now. So much that I in fact turned to the salesperson and said "You know it's funny, because I know EXACTLY what you are doing right now." Now the person had two options at that point. Deny it and move on with what they are doing and try to sell me still, or be perfectly honest with me. They chose the latter. Good choice if they wanted any chance of me buying. I didn't buy in this situation but the experience made for a little short story I wanted to share.

Doing sales make it super easy to tell when someone I interact with is being honest or simply being fake. It's never been more obvious. Maybe I should have taken this job sooner? You can't plan everything in life but you can sure as hell get as much of a advantage as possible. I feel my latest work adventures benefit me in and outside of work. Especially on the outside. My confidence is at a all time high, which is saying something, because I'm one of those people that will never let my ego get the best of me. So much, to where at times, I don't give myself enough credit. I started my job talking to almost no one on my team, to talking with anyone I want to. One thing that is easy to do in sales is make excuses. There are people who will admit to their faults and some who will dance around the idea that whatever happens cannot possibly be their fault. You can get bad calls, but eventually, it is you. They aren't ALL bad.

Something I've already been good at in life (for the most part) as far as being able to read people, so to say, has just become something I'm even better at now. It helps for interactions with friends or family and online interactions as well. Maybe I'm just crazy and I'm willing to accept that, but I think I'm onto something with all this and it really makes things that have been stressful in the past just so much easier now. Achievement unlocked.

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