Settling in is a nice feeling to experience. I would assume this is the case when you settle in with a significant other and decide to have a family and all that good stuff. We're not talking about that here. We're talking about simply finding yourself at home...and perfect segue into the start of this post...
For a while, I've been looking into getting my own place. SRS business. I think I'm getting close but not ready to reveal details on the matter until things are finalized. I'm kinda drifting away in both the sense that I will be further away from some I'm not far away from and my decisions on how I will be doing this may turn off lots of people but progress is progress and you don't learn anything unless you try. No danger? No regrets. I'll be pushing forward with this with the way I see both most effective and cost-friendly. Holding back to ponder what others think will just hold me back. It's time to pull the trigger. More for sure when things are more set in stone.
In looking for a place, I find myself wanting to find a comfortable spot with as many things as possible. The easiest one to explain would be with gaming. In doing content for games, I still play what I want, when I want. The thing with that however is sometimes after it all, I don't want to play a game on my own for the sake of playing a game. So, I feel like I should be settling in with a select few games when I am not doing content. I made a post along these lines back in December of 2012 called "Deciding on "Go-To" Games for each Gaming Platform". How very wrong it was. I don't really play any of those anymore...although I seek to change that. One of the games this list I plan to settle with. Right now, I have two in mind.
The thing with Titanfall is that it seems like the only way I can get back into a shooter game. Arena shooters are a thing of the past and the modern Call of Duty nonsense got old quickly. I got into Halo 4 for a while but it wasn't long before people stopped playing that too out of the people I play with. Anyone that knows the roots of Video Gaming Hard Corps knows that the big "community game" or sorts was Gears of War 2. Gears was always a topic. Updates and scheduling to play games was a good portion of the group topics and was very well accepted given that it was basically our entire group at the time. Now, VGHC has grown, but with the way things look, Titanfall COULD be the next big game that several of us play and happen to enjoy. Not only that but others who I have not played with before in the community may also want to play. I miss the "Gears of War 2" days and it will be nice to go back to something like that. Community gaming with something I've been hoping comes back with some game out there. One in which close friends as well as people in VGHC can enjoy. Here comes the segue into game number two...
A game that will challenge my gaming habits of "rushing people in the face and seeing what happens" for sure, League of Legends is something I just NEED to learn how to play. At the very least, I want to establish a understanding for the game. It seems a certain "Guy without a Facebook" and a "Frost Queen" would love to teach me, if willing to learn. I've actually gotten this offer from several. Makes me think well of the community. Everyone who is into this game is REALLY into it. There seems to be no middle ground. The thing with this game is I have to dedicate the time. I can't pick this up casually from time to time and expect to be good, or at least not until I understand much more than what I do. When I get settled in with a place in my personal life, I hope to make more time for this as it could be really fun if I do eventually catch onto how the game works. That...and if this happens, I'll likely never be left alone. Someone I know will always want to play. LoL fans are so passionate about the game so I want to understand more about this game that got stupid popular in a short amount of time and is actually considered to be a legit sport now. There are themed pre-paid American Express cards for the damn game based on champions from it. That is insane.
Seems I ran out of steam here. My passion for most outside of routine things I do has been rather...not there...again. Too many things I try to tackle at once. I feel a period of relaxation is in my near future though and then everything will make sense. Or maybe it won't. I'm thinking that will be the case if I decide to pull the trigger on yet something else I have in mind. Too many thoughts. Can't put them all in one place. Well, I can but some other time. It will make for more posts and when I have to words to describe thoughts in my head, they usually end up here. Until next time.
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