Thursday, October 4, 2012

One Big Nutshell. Next Step, Takeoff!

Fair warning, this one does get personal, but is still mostly gaming related, given what I do for a passion. I also will try to not stay on one point for very long before moving onto the next. I have lots I want to say, but I don't want to spend a lot of time on any of them. Just want to get things out. Hence, this blog post. Here it goes...

My birthday last year changed everything. My outlook on life, me as a person, and probably the most important thing that came of it. I gained more of a backbone than I previously had, and also pushed the idea that is Video Gaming Hard Corps out there that much more. Some of you may think it's all I speak of lately. Well, why not? I'm proud of something that WAS nothing. Given the journey into competitive gaming, this could mean big things for the brand.

A big thing that has happened though, or better yet hasn't happened is a real push for the competitive side. I'm not going to sit here and point fingers because one of the biggest problems is organization, and that's a problem as a whole for planning these bigger events. Even with complications, things seem to be in order. So much has happened since VGHC was only a Facebook Group that only consisted of local friends and friend of those friends. I've interacted with many, and pushed the brand more so than most realize. What might not seem like much to most, I've watched it grow, obviously. Never expected to get nearly as far as I am now and it only gets better.

A big obstacle has been finances and it continues to be. As my journey to find a job continues, I've pushed both the brand and myself to simply get out there and get known. For what, who knows? I stumbled upon Players of America and GamerSyndrome. Two sites that let me express myself freely, much like I do on the YouTube channel and VGHC site. I've also now worked on three collab posts. One for VGHC with Tom, one with Flapperdoodle on ScrewAttack, and one with Nathan Jang of GamerSyndrome. I've had my hands full lately. I keep it that way because it makes me not stressed and I can say I did something at the end of the day.

I've met some great people leading to more great people, which from time to time lead to some of these people working alongside me. Tom Hall, the best man I've had the pleasure of running to online thus far, sees my vision. There are many people I treasure a relationship with, but this man works with me, understands my visions for VGHC and also is coming for Triple Threat II. Some of these connections lead to other connections for myself and even for others.

I've started a completely different division of VGHC to go with the social practices via the site. Enter VGHC Radio, where me and three other mods , one of them being one of my longest known friends, Dan Janoff, sit in a lobby that plays gaming tracks, chiptune, and gaming covers most of the day. You can also chat on the side as well. We've even gotten some artists such as Dave and Leon (guitarists) from The Cartridge Family, the one man genius behind Pokemon Reorchestrated (Braxton Catherwood), and Dj CUTMAN! I plan on putting something out to talk about this new "experience" of sorts at some point, where all involved will be getting the credit deserved.

As far as credit goes, the first Triple Threat was great, but bothered me very much. The small flaws got to me. We started working on Triple Threat II. Jeremy Waxman, Dustin Steiner and myself sat down and plotted what to do about things, how we were going to have a tournament, and replace our lost member, Jose Denis. The answer was our best commentator at our first tournament, Ray Linsalato. All of us, each using different strategies of sorts put out this tournament in a much better way than we did the first time around.

It hasn't been easy, and it's thanks to Jeremy that I can even hold it all together sometimes, and I can't honestly think of ANYONE else I would trust with "Business Relations" for VGHC. Arrangements made, and promoting done. Equipment was tough, especially with me being broke. Compromises were made, but we had issues. We fixed those issues. Real people, real problems. SRS business leading up to what is going to prove to be one of the best weekends of my life.

Lots has gone down over time, and it DEFINITELY hasn't been easy. I don't want to make this huge post trying to explain all these things, I just finally feel like I'm doing something and who knows where it leads, but it continues to grow. There's only so many things you can do to push forward though until you reach a standstill, and that right now is where I stand.

Triple Threat II isn't just gonna be great, but it also determines the future of VGHC as a whole. Things will be pushed forward post Triple Threat II, but how that happens all rides on this event, which I plan on making nothing less than pure win and awesome. One thing I can promise is this. I've done lots on my own, but I want to have people with me. Some will stay, some will go, or not be as involved. I already lost a member after the first Triple Threat because of several reasons I won't be listing here. Whoever really stands by me and understands VGHC as a whole, we're going places. You're gonna see results, and my success will also be your success.

Triple Threat II is in a few places. The site, Shoryuken, ect. A post on GameZone by core member Dustin Steiner however, does a great job of describing TTII without just saying the where and when for promotional purposes.

Click here for Dustin's post!

To conclude, I simply say, Sic Parvis Magna - greatness from small beginnings. For one thing or another, VGHC will be known for something, because as of right now, it's probably the only thing I can say that I would leave behind, outside of being responsible for changing a select few people's lives.

- Victor Max Vellon

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