Monday, September 10, 2012

Injected With GamerSyndrome

I took a chance, and it worked out. has accepted me as a writer. I made some silly mistakes like an idiot, but that's okay. It's gonna change over time. Practicing here, VGHC, as POA as well. Why? Because I can, that's why.

I should be working on an article right now, actually, although right now it's kinda free range, and I haven't been assigned anything. So, I chose something I thought would be worthy and I'm gonna actually play the game to be able to report on it better. The game I would be playing is actually and older version of a game that is getting a reboot, and comes out tomorrow on PSN, and the next day on XBLA. Alright, perhaps here isn't a good example of practice, because this is where I break all the rules. I'd do some gameplay, but it doesn't really fit with my current video plan. Jeremy has jumped back on board to offer two videos to the VGHC channel. Haven't done anything with him since Mega Man X. We gotta do X4 at some point...

I get distracted, quite easily, actually. It doesn't help that I'm giving myself more and more to do. Why not, right? Doing nothing is boring! I wanna do stuff, of course, let's just keep it indoors, because I'm a broke bitch. That and there isn't a huge list of people I care to really do that with at this current time anyway. When I find myself a job to get the ball rolling again financially, then things will be different. Meanwhile, I'm gonna keep trying to grow the brand and myself as a person. Really should be working on this article...

I was set to do this last night, but things ended up running late between pressing matters with VGHC, making  and appearance on InRetroSpection and after doing stuff before that, well, the time simply wasn't there. After the podcast of sorts, Dan and I were too tired to record more than what we did, so that got postponed. We didn't split, however, until we watched the videos Jeremy put out there. Yes, I'm gonna use names. They are on the site, and people should know who you are, especially if you help. Here are the two videos he put out, and I think are pretty good actually. Check 'em out!

Triple Threat II is getting closer and closer. I'm not sure what I'm more excited for. The event we're busting our asses to make happen, or what's going down the day before that I really haven't planned out yet. All I know is Tom is coming down specifically to see us an attend Triple Threat. This is awesome because I'd really like to meet the guy I've been working with behind the scenes, and also that someone is willing to actually make a trip for something being put together by VGHC as a whole, under a brand I created almost two years ago now. The fact that I even call it a brand now is a sign of progress. This is the typical day in VGHC HQ, and by HQ I mean the inside of my head. It only becomes "VGHC HQ" truly when there are more people but me thinking on something. I do tend to spend lots of time with just me though, so I'm always coming up with stuff.

Speaking of stuff...I swear I'm gonna work on that article now...for real...

- Victor Max Vellon

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