Saturday, October 19, 2013

Back in the Game

There's been more of these types of posts for two reasons. The first is so I don't completely stray away from gaming and the second is because content really hasn't been something I have much time for written or video lately. I also didn't completely get away from gaming considering I've been playing Pokemon non-stop when it came out after work days to fit in as much progress as possible. If I'm not feeling lazy, I MAY write a review for it. Maybe.

Anyway, here's the drill and I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I've had some personal challenges to tackle. I made all the wrong choices for myself in regards to doing something I should have done years ago. Mario Kart should not be the only thing I know how to drive in. I put it off and found every excuse in the book not to do it. I grew tired of this and have been putting much into this when not working, the end result is both success and freedom in the form of a licence and...

A car. Was long overdue.

In other news, I'm working on two videos that are Machinae Supremacy related that will likely be on the Video Gaming Hard Corps channel as per usual. There's also video #300 for the channel that needs to go up. Got a few things in motion but when do I not? I have also decided to game for a entire day (or as close to it as possible with a stream for charity. I am joining Tom Hall's team via Extra Life. Link for that to be found here.

Anyway, I've been rather quiet lately and I seek to change that soon. Needed to make things easier on myself before going in full force with other aspects of my life that are important but not as important as thing IRL, because responsibilities. Kirby, it's time to wake up. Full speed ahead. He seems happy.

I'm back people. Take no prisoners. To the future.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

...Money don't grow on trees. I've got bills to pay, I've got mouths to feed...alright maybe not any but my own, but you get the idea. It's that future thinking though that can sometimes get me into trouble. Every time I want to hit the off switch, certain thoughts just come on through and take over. Like some kind of instinct or something. I guess it's hard to break a routine once you're used to it. There's never really a right time to "go dark" for me given how many things I try and do. The only place I really "go dark" constantly is in real life but that's a whole other story. Onto the point!

So I've juggled around a few new things. I recently started a new "Twitch to Tube" series known as "NESPwned". It's EXACTLY what it sounds like. I had a whole week straight of killing it in sales at work and putting out content like it was nothing via VGHC. I did miss one of the five days but I simply forgot. It seems every time I think I have writers block I suddenly come out with more ideas. Long or short. Written or video. I also have something in the works known as "Project Hayabusa". That is also pretty much what it sounds like for anyone who knows that name. Some closer to me or that pay attention may know a bit more but this is more a idea than anything else. I did finally start it though, much like several games and books I have. So many things started but so few finished. When I do finish something, I make sure it's to my liking and then some. I try to apply this the most in my personal life, which I've been doing a stellar job of at both my workplace and personal growth as well as a person.

My latest job got me out of my comfort zone to a level where I've surprised people I know. I was way too shy. To an extent, I still am. I'm introverted after all. At work though, you wouldn't think I was introverted at all. I'm a social butterfly at work. Similar to how I am online. That's kinda scary actually, thinking about it as I write this. On the flip side, when you talk to people on the phone all day, you run into some genuine assholes. After multiple 40-50 hour work weeks of dealing with some of these people, which makes it WAAAAY too easy to then brush people off that act like this in real life. I used to go back and forth a lot with individuals in the hopes of some kind of resolution but why waste your time if they think they know everything, or simply poke at you to be an ass. No real point.

No one is perfect though. Anyone who thinks they are is full of themselves. There are things I still lack confidence in or dare to tackle. Just like playing any game, you don't start off good. You get good with practice. It's that way with most things unless you have some unnatural talent for something. This won't happen for everything you do though. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You're not gonna catch a Sorceress doing melee attacks...unless you're just starting in the early levels of Diablo II, and want to smack around a few Quill Rats with your staff because your mana regen sucks early on. You also don't run into a group of "Champions" when you know you don't have a fighting chance...unless you're an idiot like me. LoL.

There almost always either a hidden message or something that relates to my personal life in lots of posts I make. When I announce something, I like to be pretty certain of it. It's why sometimes I will stay shut about things until the time is right. My future plans involve getting out of my current place of residence after successfully visiting Maryland for some MAGFest action. Maybe sometime after accomplishing these things, I can get to a long overdue podcast that I will be hosting (Machinae Supremacy related but had to be pushed back), better streams, and a bunch of other stuff that rolls through my head. I swear I have a social life...but only so many know this. To those I've seen as of recently, thank you. You've all helped more than you know in one way or another.

Oh and also...Kirby is still sleeping. Just a little while longer and then we shall come back full force, won't we Kirby?