Thursday, June 27, 2013

To The Future...

There comes many different times in life where you kind of just take a step back and wonder what other personal accomplishments you want to make. Like what you're doing isn't good enough. What's your next achievement? What's the next game to play? Now that second question, I ask myself a lot but for very different reasons.

I used to ask myself what game I should play to enjoy. I find myself now asking which game should I play so I can possibly make content for it. This could be first impressions for a video, a written/video review, or both. It's fun but it's difficult to both think about how this gets done and then also have to wait on rendering and uploading. Doing this on most night means extra lights on in my room because the computer, my work headset, and other things plugged into the computer put out extra light. That makes me not sleep as well and I value my sleep now more than ever. You'd be amazed what a day of work can do. While I don't do anything that is particularly exhausting physically, mentally it drains me constantly. I'm harder on myself than ever with my latest job.

I'm hard on myself and pushing myself because it is simply what is right for me. I've held back on things in life and it's time to continue building up to a point where I can put plenty of money away for whatever the future may hold. The more rings, coins, and rupees I have in life, the sooner I can accomplish things I'm looking to accomplish in my future. I'm not gonna get too much into my personal life with this as it is simply a statement being made here for the sake of informing people that I'm cutting back on a few things and they are going to be as follows.

1. No more Examiner. I've thought about this for months. I don't write as much there anymore, they pay sucks, and with more restrictions on what I write. The opportunity was great but I also have that elsewhere and it pays me FAR more. This chapter is closed.

2. Nintendo Chronicle as I believe it's called, a smaller Nintendo site in the making that I write for occasionally. Unfortunately, like Examiner, I have been unable to contribute like I want to. Mr. Ajay has a good team on his hands and hopefully with his permission, I'm still allowed to post from time to time if I can. I need to make him aware of this although it's pretty much been that way for some time now.

3. I never wanted VGHC Radio to take the hit that it did but this was yet something else I tried to fit in to a schedule that is now about only have the time I used to have before I got my latest job. It took a real hit to where to my knowledge, it's not a thing anymore. I think I share this feeling with some of my co-hosts, either that or we simply lost the will to do it.

4. This is the tough part. I think the Video Gaming Hard Corps YouTube needs to be cut down. I didn't want to do this until I had a plan for more content, but InRetroSpection, The Gamer Lobby, and the Madness series vids are going to have to do.  I simply don't have the time or energy to put out new videos at the rate I used to and I think MaxAttack may be cut completely. I fell behind due to keeping up with writes for Raptr and I think it's just time to do one more I planned and end on that. The Let's Plays and Impressions are on hold. I simply cannot do it. My time in the day does not line up with my current path. Pretty much nothing that isn't recorded already or planned won't be posted for quite some time if at all. I'd still like to make a video from time to time but the VGHC YouTube channel is really mostly me. It's been that way since the start and there is enough auto-content with our podcasts now to still keep the channel alive.

4. Writes. I've put out lots lately for the new site. Luckily, this part isn't just me. I'm looking to get to a point where this becomes something I don't need to worry about if there is no content. As it stands, the consistent writers (you know who you are) try to cover if there is no content up for the day. That has been my main focus when back from work as it helps the site grow and hence the brand grow. I will NOT stop writes, just hoping to one day just do them weekly and every now and then, I can.

I'm going to be putting more time into work. I've got some encouragement sent my way by my manager that I've never heard from anyone and it's pushing me to just get up and go. I'll be doing my best to work one extra hour each day (except Mondays) and come in for a few hours on Friday mornings. The idea is to work  anywhere from 44-50 hours a week. Some amount of overtime weekly. The time spent at home will be between streams for VGHC, The VGHC Facebook Group, MachinaeTribe, and the VGHC site. Still quite a bit. I need to fit a social life in there somewhere too. This is what has taken the hit the most but there isn't much I can do about that.

I have things I need to do on my own as well. For the first time in my life, I'm not only setting personal goals, but they are being made visible so I can see them each day. I'm reading material now in regards to both my work and self-improvement of sorts. It's time to step things up. Again. I'm one of those guys who's always looking for the next best thing and I think this is the best way to go about it all. At the same time, I'm not willing to throw in the towel on VGHC that I've built from the ground up nor the MachinaeTribe that I've made quite the impact  in since joining, starting MachinaeMondays and my promotion to admin before I even started the idea and just simply brought it up. To all those who continue to support me in anything I do, thank you. It means the world to me.