I'll skip the success stories as much as possible and get right into it. Details aren't important, just what has actually happened.
I've upgraded my TV, monitor and game capture device recently, made a appearance in a music video by my favorite band, and re-launched MachinaeMondays with someone I know in the MachinaeTribe who has been doing great as a co-host. I've been making upgrades to things I have over time, because why not? Everyone likes to have new things.
Skipping all of that, things just really are falling into place. While I only have a path in life (not a plan) if that makes sense, things are coming along smoothly. Soon I'll have all my bases covered debt wise and can start putting away for whatever the future holds for me. I know not where my place in gaming is outside of the place I've made for myself. Known by some, but mostly infamous. Same with my involvement with the MachineTribe, although I'd like to think I'm better connected with the band than I've ever been. The things that have taken place are crazy.
The achievements keep coming, both in gaming and IRL. The biggest change is a increase in self-respect I've never really had before. I still put others before me, but not at my own expense. Why put yourself at risk or do for others that don't appreciate what is done for them? It's stupid. This brings me into my next topic.
Considering I am trying to make a name for myself (hopefully for the better) I will respond to pretty much anyone online. I'm a friendly person and also trying to stay at least somewhat professional. Real life is very different. I follow more of a "do unto others" attitude in person. While a part of me still likes to play the hero admittedly, I will no longer do so if I know it's not beneficial to my well being in the process. I do nice things, but if it's taken for granted or not appreciated, it's a waste.
Negativity, it's a part of life I suppose. Much like in gaming, I ditch it in real life. Now more than ever. Look, nothing against anyone, really, but if you only complain, you're gonna get ignored. No exceptions. My next path doesn't allow for that kind of nonsense because aint' no one got time for that! Sometimes I find myself let down. It's much harder now with a job again to manage all the things I do which some may not even be aware of. I'm finding a balance for it all though, and I must say, it feels great.
Throughout VGHC and the MachinaeTribe, I have met several people online. It's been great to talk and associate with people all over the country. My love for connectivity online has stayed. It's something I enjoy. My attempts to do it online are much easier than in person, but this is mostly because of the people I know and lack of people being able to be civil around one another. With that being said, I know what groups now work, and which never will. Interacting with people makes up for the fact that I had to ditch Psychology in college. That's another story entirely.
Accomplishment and eye opening things have taken place. In the midst of all this still lies a passionate gamer. Someone now not afraid to put himself out there. I've taken up Dance Dance Revolution yet again. Been in and out of that game for years. I've never been insanely good, but I'm good enough to work off a few pounds and get a good workout. I still try and work at a huge list of "to-play" games when I can. In the end, with me, not much has changed. Internally, I'm the same guy I've always been, I've just changed up my approach. One key element to this is Machinae Supremacy with songs such as "Hero" to start the mornings and inspirational tapes. The rest is simply my new attitude towards life. I won't talk much more about this though, because in the end, people need to find what works for them. I'm comfortable where I am right now, even if it's sometimes admittedly a bit lonely.
I no longer see my ways as a bad thing, even if it sometimes means I don't have a social life. I'm playing it all by ear. To the ones who have truly been around, I thank you. There are many I do the things I do for, but it's the select few that are there for me that get to both see where I am now, actually enjoy it, and appreciate it all with me.